Listening to life requires infinite desire and infinite patience. Given time, every song has a story to tell. Here are mine. Tell me yours?
Memories, news, reviews. Old and new.
Wish. Listen.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Important moments in our lives deserve their own soundtracks. We all have songs that trigger vivid memories or visceral reactions. Music isn't really about nostalgia, though. Listening only takes place in the present. Every time that we engage in active listening--as opposed to merely "hearing" something--we have the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. We can reflect, project, analyze, and judge in real time. (Just try to listen to some of your favorite tracks from childhood, and you'll see what I mean.)
Last Christmas, I got a single gift from someone who usually supplies piles of them, and inside that box was a pair of Bose headphones. I practically live in them. (I certainly fall asleep wearing them, often enough!) Since then, I have heard things that I must have missed a thousand times, and in doing so, I feel like I am rewriting my own history.
This is a place for those stories--mine, yours--to grow. You can expect to see & hear music reviews, news, humor, etc...all filtered through a highly personal lens. (Right now, I am toying around with the idea of themed entries/weeks as an organizational method, because I don't want to limit myself to any one, particular genre.)
Please feel free to contribute! Share your stories in the "Comments" section for each post. Click the tabs on my notebook to take a look at my Feeds, listen to my stations on Pandora (in development), link to my profiles on other music-related sites, or read my other blogs. There is a tagboard (on the Feeds tab) available for general comments/suggestions/chat. You can also subscribe directly to this blog via Feedburner (link at the bottom of this page).
Hope to see you again soon!Labels: beginnings
5:12 PM